Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Podcast: 02 - 20/09/2006

The new podcast for the Podzone is here! Quite possibly bigger than a Yeti in an oversized Sumo suit.

The podcast this week contains such wicked features as-

The NEW Mystery Voice (the identity of whom I still don't know)
Nick's Bodily Noises
Silly Accents
Me cutting myself
Ska and Reggae- what's the difference?
STD Codes for the United Kingdom

Oh, and the Hit Test, Tech News, Traffic News and The Crucial Three!

Anyway this is The Podzone podcast that was broadcasted on 06/09/2006 - this show has been edited down to comply with Podcasting legislation, and to remove the parts where we seriously go wrong, so we look good.

The Podcast is Located Here

Find the Show Notes Here

Dr Nick's First Post

Well hello there. This is everyone's favourite fake psychological professional, Dr Nick Cooper, without whom the Podzone would be an hour of Chris, and hence much more professional and fluent.

This is the part where my ego swells to the size of a small Azerbaijani flea, as I am a complete radio newbie and have no technical knowledge whatsoever. I can, however, type and this is why this post is still going. I am also skilled at peeling bananas, and re-setting clocks for British Summer Time.

I am now officially manager of this blog, though I'm sure that this responsibility will be taken away from me in due course, as it falls into disarray and is responsible for several major wars being started. I hope that there will be several replies to these messages on here, or I will be very upset.

So 4-5pm on Youthcomm Radio- listening is most probably the best thing you will do ever do in your life! for me, all other email addresses are above!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Podcast: #01 - 06/09/2006


Well let me give you a little bit of a background on The Podzone and myself, Chris Leydon. The Podzone is a radio show on Youthcomm Radio. The Podzone has been going since October 2005 and recently in September 2006 has undergone a new format change and introduced a new co-host, Nick Cooper.

I personally, this is the part where my ego swells to about the size of this very room in which I'm typing in, am an accomplished podcaster and broadcaster as well as being an accomplished Actor and Technical Engineer in lighting and sound.

Anyway The Podzone includes such features as The Hit Test, The Podsafe Music Chart, The Mystery Voice, Tech News and the Weekly Youthcomm Traffic News. Its broadcasting time is 4 - 5 PM on Wednesday's on Youthcomm Radio and is due to go FM in November.

Anyway this is The Podzone podcast that was broadcasted on 06/09/2006 - this show has been edited down to comply with Podcasting legislation.

Chris Leydon:
Nick Cooper:
Traffic News:
The Crucial Three:
Anti-Social Behaviour:

Show Notes: Download Here

The Podcast is Located Here.

So until next time,

